Parent visas

General Page

Parent Visas

If you are the parent of a settled Australian or eligible New Zealand citizen, then a parent visa may be an option for you.

Contributory Parent Visas

There are two types of parent visas. Contributory and non-contributory parent visas.

Contributory parent visas are split into the following:

  • Offshore visas:
    • Subclass 143 contributory parent visa (permanent)
    • Subclass 173 contributory parent visa (temporary)
  • Onshore visas:
    • Subclass 864 contributory aged parent visa (permanent)
    • Subclass 884 contributory aged parent visa (temporary)

Aged Parent Visas

Parents must be old enough to receive the age pension in Australia. In July 2021, the pension age was set to “66 years and 6 months.”

Aged parent visas include the following:

  • Subclass 804 Aged Parent Visa
  • Subclass 864 Contributory Aged Parent Visa
  • Subclass 884 Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) Visa

What is the Balance of family test?

The Balance of Family Test is a key requirement of the eligibility criteria for the following parent visas:

  • Subclass 103 Parent Visa
  • Subclass 143 Contributory Parent Visa
  • Subclass 173 Contributory Parent (Temporary) Visa
  • Subclass 804 Aged Parent Visa
  • Subclass 864 Contributory Aged Parent Visa
  • Subclass 884 Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) Visa

The subclass 870 Sponsored Parent visa does not require balance of family test.

The Balance of Family Test determines the closeness of parents familial connections to Australia. In its basic form this requires that the number of eligible children be greater than or equal to the number of ineligible children.  What follows is how the number of eligible and ineligible children are calculated.

A child includes both children and stepchildren of the parent and their current spouse/de facto.  A stepchild is the child of your current partner or former partner who is under 18 years old and over whom you have guardianship.  A child includes any adopted children.       

A child is considered ‘eligible’ if they are an Australian citizen, or they are a permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen who are usually resident.  Otherwise, they are considered ineligible and are taken to be resident overseas.

Note that if the whereabouts of a child are unknown, the child is taken to be resident in the child’s last known usual country of residence.

There is a second test which is less commonly needed.  For this, the test is satisfied if there are more eligible children (that is, the number of children living in Australia) than the number of children living in a particular country.  For example, if there are 5 children, two of whom live in Australia and the remaining 3 each live in a different country, this will satisfy the test.

The following children are not considered eligible nor ineligible (that is, they are not included in the test):

  • Children who are not in your custody (except if they are married).
  • Children who live in a country where it is not possible to reunite parent and child, such as where there is an abuse of human rights.
  • Children who live in a UNHCR refugee camp or are registered as refugees.

Subclass 143 Contributory Parent Visa

The subclass 143 Contributory Parent Visa enables parents of a settled Australian citizen or permanent resident, or an eligible New Zealand citizen, to permanently live in Australia.

To be eligible, parents must:

  • Be sponsored by an eligible child (or eligible relative or community organisation);
  • Meet the balance of family test;
  • Have assurance of support;

Parents can be either inside or outside Australia at the time of applying for the subclass 143 visa. Parents must normally be offshore at the time of visa grant however due to current covid-concessions the subclass 143 visa can currently be granted onshore.

You must also meet health and character requirements.

Visa Cost:

From AUD47,825

Processing times:

The processing times are not published as the range in processing times are so inconsistent. As at January 2022, the Department are processing contributory parent visa applications lodged June ​2016.

Benefits of this Visa:

  • You can live in Australia permanently
  • You can travel to and from Australia for 5 years
  • You can become eligible for Australian citizenship
  • You can work in Australia
  • You can study in Australia
  • You can access Medicare
  • You can sponsor your family members to come to Australia

Mandatory Conditions:

  • If the parent is offshore at the time of visa grant, they must enter by the date specified in their visa.

Discretionary Conditions:

  • 8502: Secondary visa holders must not enter Australia before the Primary Applicant enters Australia.
  • 8515: The visa holder must not marry or enter into a de facto relationship before entering Australia.

Case Study

Mellissa (US citizen)*, engaged our services for a parent visa to live near her adult child and support her with raising her children. We successfully obtained a subclass 143 visa for Melissa and will assist her with her citizenship application in the future.

*Facts have been changed for confidentiality reasons

How VCL can help?

Contact our team now to see how we can best help you explore your visa pathways.


Subclass 173 Visa Contributory Parent (Temporary)

The subclass 173 Contributory Parent Visa enables parents of a settled Australian citizen or permanent resident, or an eligible New Zealand citizen, to temporarily live in Australia for up to 2 years.

To be eligible, parents must:

  • Be sponsored by an eligible child (or eligible relative or community organisation);
  • Meet the balance of family test;

Parents can be either inside or outside Australia at the time of applying for the subclass 173 visa. Parents must normally be offshore at the time of visa grant however due to current covid-concessions the subclass 173 visa can currently be granted onshore.

You must also meet health and character requirements.

Visa Cost:

From AUD31,980

Processing times:

The processing times are not published as the range in processing times are so inconsistent. As at January 2022, the Department are processing contributory parent visa applications lodged June ​2016.

Benefits of this Visa:

  • You can temporarily live in Australia for up to 2 years
  • You can work in Australia
  • You can study in Australia
  • You can access Medicare
  • You can apply for a permanent parent visa (subclass 143 contributory parent (permanent) visa)

Mandatory Conditions:

  • Parent’s first entry must be by the date specified in their visa.

Discretionary Conditions:

  • 8502: Secondary visa holders must not enter Australia before the Primary Applicant enters Australia.
  • 8515: The visa holder must not marry or enter into a de facto relationship before entering Australia.

Case Study

Frederick (German citizen)*, engaged our parent visa services so he can live close to his children in Australia.

*Facts have been changed for confidentiality reasons

How VCL can help?

Contact our team now to see how we can best help you explore your visa pathways.


Subclass 884 Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) visa

The subclass 884 visa enables aged parents of a settled Australian citizen or permanent resident, or an eligible New Zealand citizen, to temporarily live in Australia for up to 2 years.

To be eligible, aged parents must:

  • Be sponsored by an eligible child (or eligible relative or community organisation);
  • Meet the balance of family test;
  • Be old enough to receive the age pension in Australia.

Parents must be inside Australia at the time of applying for the subclass 884 visa.

You must also meet health and character requirements.

Visa Cost:

From AUD 33,355

Processing times:

The processing times are not published as the range in processing times are so inconsistent. As at January 2022, the Department are processing contributory parent visa applications lodged June ​2016.

Benefits of this Visa:

  • You can temporarily live in Australia for up to 2 years
  • You can work in Australia
  • You can study in Australia
  • You can apply for a permanent parent visa (subclass 864 contributory aged visa)

Case Study

Jacob (South African citizen)*, reached out to our team for help with his parent visa application so he could relocate to Australia.

*Facts have been changed for confidentiality reasons

How VCL can help?

Contact our team now to see how we can best help you explore your visa pathways.


Subclass 864  Visa Contributory Aged Parent Visa

The Subclass 864  Visa Contributory Aged Parent Visa enables aged parents of a settled Australian citizen or permanent resident, or an eligible New Zealand citizen, to permanently live in Australia.

To be eligible, aged parents must:

  • Be sponsored by an eligible child (or eligible relative or community organisation);
  • Be old enough to receive the age pension in Australia;
  • Meet the balance of family test;
  • Have assurance of support.

Parents must be inside Australia at the time of applying for the subclass 864 visa.

Due to current covid-concessions, the subclass 864 visa can currently be granted offshore if parents were unable to enter Australia for visa applications made before 24 March 2021.

You must also meet health and character requirements.

Visa Cost:

From AUD47,825

Processing times:

The processing times are not published as the range in processing times are so inconsistent. As at January 2022, the Department are processing contributory parent visa applications lodged June ​2016.

Benefits of this Visa:

  • You can live in Australia permanently
  • You can travel to and from Australia for 5 years
  • You can become eligible for Australian citizenship
  • You can work in Australia
  • You can study in Australia
  • You can access Medicare
  • You can sponsor your family members to come to Australia

Case Study

We assisted our client Zeina (Lebanese citizen)*, with our parent visa services so she may live near her Australian children.

*Facts have been changed for confidentiality reasons

How VCL can help?

Contact our team now to see how we can best help you explore your visa pathways.


Subclass 103 Parent visa

The Subclass 103 Parent visa enables parent of a settled Australian or eligible New Zealand citizen to permanently relocate to Australia.

To be eligible, parents must:

  • Be sponsored by an eligible child (or eligible relative or community organisation);
  • Meet the balance of family test;
  • Have assurance of support.

You must also meet health and character requirements.

Benefits of this visa:

  • Live in Australia as a permanent resident
  • You have full work and study rights in Australia
  • You have access to Medicare
  • Sponsor your eligible family members to visit Australia
  • Travel to and from Australia for 5 years
  • Apply for citizenship when you are eligible

Mandatory Conditions:

  • Parent’s first entry must be by the date specified in their visa.

Discretionary Conditions:

  • 8502: Secondary visa holders must not enter Australia before the Primary Applicant enters Australia.
  • 8515: The visa holder must not marry or enter into a de facto relationship before entering Australia.


Starting from AUD6,490

Processing times:

The processing times are not published as the range in processing times are so inconsistent. As at January 2022, the Department are processing parent visa applications lodged in October 2010.

Case Study

We assisted our client Marissa (Belgium citizen)*, with our parent visa services so she may permanently live in Australia near her Australian permeant resident child.

*Facts have been changed for confidentiality reasons

How VCL can help?

Contact our team now to see how we can best help you explore your visa pathways.


Subclass 804 Aged Parent visa

The Subclass 804 Aged Parent visa enables parent of a settled Australian or eligible New Zealand citizen to permanently relocate to Australia.

To be eligible, parents must:

  • Be sponsored by an eligible child (or eligible relative or community organisation);
  • Be old enough to receive the age pension in Australia;
  • Meet the balance of family test;
  • Have assurance of support.

You must also meet health and character requirements.

Benefits of this visa:

  • Live in Australia as a permanent resident
  • You have full work and study rights in Australia
  • You have access to Medicare
  • Sponsor your eligible family members to visit Australia
  • Travel to and from Australia for 5 years
  • Apply for citizenship when you are eligible


Starting from AUD6,490

Processing times:

The processing times are not published as the range in processing times are so inconsistent. As at January 2022, the Department are processing parent visa applications lodged in October 2010.

Case Study

We assisted our client Daria (Italian citizen)*, with our parent visa services so she may permanently live in Australia near her Australian citizen son and grandson.

*Facts have been changed for confidentiality reasons

How VCL can help?

Contact our team now to see how we can best help you explore your visa pathways.


Subclass 870 Sponsored Parent visa

The subclass 870 Sponsored Parent visa enables parents of a settled Australian citizen or permanent resident, or an eligible New Zealand citizen, to temporarily live in Australia. As this visa does not lead to permanent residency, there is an additional criteria that parents must genuinely intend to stay in Australia temporarily for up to 3 or 5 years.

Parents must be sponsored by an eligible child or their partner who must have an income of at least $83,454.80 (this income can be combined).

To be eligible, sponsored parents must:

  • Hold health insurance;
  • Have access to sufficient funds for the duration of their stay in Australia.

You must also meet health and character requirements.

You may be in or outside Australia when the visa is granted.

Visa Cost:

  • For a stay of up to 3 years: AUD5,090
  • For a stay of up to 5 years: AUD10,180

Processing times:

The Department has published the following processing times:

  • 25% of applications: 4 months
  • 50% of applications: 13 months
  • 75% of applications: 21 months
  • 90% of applications: 24 months

Benefits of this Visa:

  • You can temporarily visit and live in Australia for up to 3 or 5 years
  • You can apply for a further sponsored parent visa to a maximum of 10 years

Mandatory Conditions:

  • 8103: Must not work in Australia without the Ministers written permission.
  • 8303: Must not become involved in activities disruptive to, or violence threatening harm to, the Australian community.
  • 8501: Must maintain adequate health insurance while in Australia.
  • 8531: Must not remain in Australia beyond stay permitted on the visa.
  • 8564: Must not engage in criminal conduct.
  • 8609: within 14 days, must notify Immigration of any of the following changes: name, contact details, passport details.

Case Study

Maryam (Jordan citizen)*, engaged our parent visa services so he can live close to her Australian citizen child.

*Facts have been changed for confidentiality reasons

How VCL can help?

Contact our team now to see how we can best help you explore your visa pathways.

Parent Visas Factsheet Option 1

If you are the parent of a settled Australian or eligible New Zealand citizen, then a parent visa may be an option for you.

Contributory Parent Visas

There are two types of parent visas. Contributory and non-contributory parent visas.

Contributory parent visas are split into the following:

  • Offshore visas:
    • Subclass 143 contributory parent visa (permanent)
      • Be sponsored by an eligible child (or eligible relative or community organisation);
      • Meet the balance of family test;
      • Have assurance of support;
      • Meet health and character requirements.
      • Pay visa application charge of AUD47,825
    • Subclass 173 contributory parent visa for up to 2 years (temporary)
      • Be sponsored by an eligible child (or eligible relative or community organisation);
      • Meet the balance of family test;
      • Meet health and character requirements.
      • Pay visa application charge of AUD31,980
    • Onshore visas:
      • Subclass 864 contributory aged parent visa (permanent)
        • Be sponsored by an eligible child (or eligible relative or community organisation);
        • Be old enough to receive the age pension in Australia;
        • Meet the balance of family test;
        • Have assurance of support.
        • Meet health and character requirements.
        • Pay visa application charge of AUD47,825
      • Subclass 884 contributory aged parent visa for up to 2 years (temporary)
        • Be sponsored by an eligible child (or eligible relative or community organisation);
        • Meet the balance of family test;
        • Be old enough to receive the age pension in Australia;
        • Meet health and character requirements;
        • Pay visa application charge of AUD 33,355


Aged Parent Visas

Parents must be old enough to receive the age pension in Australia. In July 2021, the pension age was set to “66 years and 6 months.”

Aged parent visas include the following:

  • Subclass 864 Contributory Aged Parent Visa
  • Subclass 884 Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) Visa
  • Subclass 804 Aged Parent Visa (permanent)
    • Be sponsored by an eligible child (or eligible relative or community organisation);
    • Meet the balance of family test;
    • Have assurance of support;
    • Meet health and character requirements;
    • Pay visa application charge of AUD6,490;
    • Be old enough to receive the age pension in Australia.

What is the Balance of family test?

The Balance of Family Test is a key requirement of the eligibility criteria for the following parent visas:

  • Subclass 143 Contributory Parent Visa
  • Subclass 173 Contributory Parent (Temporary) Visa
  • Subclass 804 Aged Parent Visa
  • Subclass 864 Contributory Aged Parent Visa
  • Subclass 884 Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) Visa
  • Subclass 103 Parent Visa (permanent)
    • Be sponsored by an eligible child (or eligible relative or community organisation);
    • Meet the balance of family test;
    • Have assurance of support;
    • Meet health and character requirements;
    • Pay visa application charge of AUD6,490.

The Balance of Family Test determines the closeness of parents familial connections to Australia. In its basic form this requires that the number of eligible children be greater than or equal to the number of ineligible children. 

Subclass 870 Sponsored Parent visa for up to 3 or 5 years (temporary)

To be eligible, parents must:

  • Be sponsored by an eligible child or their partner who must have an income of at least $83,454.80 (this income can be combined);
  • Hold health insurance;
  • Have access to sufficient funds for the duration of their stay in Australia;
  • Meet health and character requirements;
  • Pay visa application charge:
    • For a stay of up to 3 years: AUD5,090
    • For a stay of up to 5 years: AUD10,180

Parent Visas Factsheet Option 2

If you are the parent of a settled Australian or eligible New Zealand citizen, then a parent visa may be an option for you.

Contributory Parent Visas

There are two types of parent visas. Contributory and non-contributory parent visas.

Aged Parent Visas

Parents must be old enough to receive the age pension in Australia. In July 2021, the pension age was set to “66 years and 6 months.”

What is the Balance of family test?

  • The Balance of Family Test determines the closeness of parent’s familial connections to Australia.
  • To pass the BoF test, parents must have more or an equal number of eligible children than ineligible children.
  • A child is considered ‘eligible’ if they are an Australian citizen, or they are a permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen who are usually resident.
  • Otherwise, they are considered ineligible and are taken to be resident overseas.

Subclass 143 Contributory Parent Visa (permanent)

To be eligible, parents must:

  • Be sponsored by an eligible child (or eligible relative or community organisation);
  • Meet the balance of family test;
  • Have assurance of support;

Subclass 173 Visa Contributory Parent (Temporary)

To be eligible, parents must:

  • Be sponsored by an eligible child (or eligible relative or community organisation);
  • Meet the balance of family test;

Subclass 884 Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) visa

To be eligible, aged parents must:

  • Be sponsored by an eligible child (or eligible relative or community organisation);
  • Meet the balance of family test;
  • Be old enough to receive the age pension in Australia.

Subclass 864  Visa Contributory Aged Parent Visa (permanent)

To be eligible, aged parents must:

  • Be sponsored by an eligible child (or eligible relative or community organisation);
  • Be old enough to receive the age pension in Australia;
  • Meet the balance of family test;
  • Have assurance of support.

Subclass 103 Parent visa (permanent)

To be eligible, parents must:

  • Be sponsored by an eligible child (or eligible relative or community organisation);
  • Meet the balance of family test;
  • Have assurance of support.

Subclass 804 Aged Parent visa (permanent)

To be eligible, parents must:

  • Be sponsored by an eligible child (or eligible relative or community organisation);
  • Be old enough to receive the age pension in Australia;
  • Meet the balance of family test;
  • Have assurance of support.

Subclass 870 Sponsored Parent visa (temporary)

To be eligible, parents must:

  • Be sponsored by an eligible child or their partner who must have an income of at least $83,454.80 (this income can be combined).
  • Hold health insurance;
  • Have access to sufficient funds for the duration of their stay in Australia.

What Our Clients Say About Us

We worked with Adam and the expert Visa & Citizenship Lawyers team. We had a tight timeline to get our work

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Trusted hands. Kept us well informed throughout the process of securing Australian citizenship for our child born overseas.

We sincerely appreciate Visa and Citizenship lawyers team. They professionally help us to get our

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Visa and Citizenship Lawyers came up trumps for us when we really needed the visa. Swift and clear instructions

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Excellent & professional service from

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The team @ Visa and Citizenship Lawyers were awesome, very professional at all times. Highly recommended.

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Adam and his team really went above and beyond to help my fiancé and I be

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Just the way I like it, a team that performs and gets the job done. The

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I am truly thankful that I found Visa and Citizenship Lawyers online

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5 Stars PLUS for the service you guys provided. From the explanations of the

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If I could give Visa & Citizenship Lawyers 10 stars I would! The team

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Adam is really helpful and
professional. He helped me get my

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I would like to thanks Adam for his help and excellent service in

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I would highly recommend Adam. My husband and I are extremely

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Positive: Professionalism, Quality, Responsiveness, Value

Adam and his team provided an exceptional service – very

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Adam is a truly the best lawyer with lot of patience, professional and dedicated towards achieving an Australian visa. I’ve had a few

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Adam and his team are incredible. They absolutely know Australian

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Adam at Visa & Citizenship Lawyers made the difficult and lengthy process

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As a foreigner, immigration in Australia can be a complex thing. Overnight changes, small writing, changing governments,

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We couldn’t imagine doing our whole migration process for my spouse without the professional and efficient handling of our case by the team at

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Positive: Professionalism, Quality, Responsiveness, Value

AS a UK lawyer applying for permanent residency in AUS I valued

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The team at Visa & Citizenship Lawyers take care of our sponsorship, nomination and visa applications and have assisted us over the years with

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Adam is a lifesaver. He guides my clients for AAT tribunal matters with visa refusals; such as student visa refusals, partner visa refusals,

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I truly believe I was lucky to find Adam and just in time! if only I had know about the company the first time around, after being issued a schedule

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a month ago

I recently received my Subclass 186 grant letter and I wanted to share my positive experience with the team at Visa & Citizenship Lawyers.

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My visa was not a straight forward job by any means but from our first meeting with Adam, he and his team dealt with all obstacles

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Thank you so very much. An amazing result for me and my partner. I have

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I cannot express my gratitude enough 

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I received news that no-one wants to

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If you have no idea on what to do with

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